Monday, September 15, 2014

Weeks 3 & 4 - United States

Welcome to the United States!

This has been a fun couple weeks. We are finally getting our groove back. FINALLY!! We finished up our paper mache globes and we think they turned out fantastic! Check it out....

We had to mix our green.

Ian was quite the careful with his painting,

Tyler was what I think is a typical 7 year old. He did his best.

It was kind of funny to me that they both chose to show the same side of the world.


Our Bible time this year has been sweeter with Derek leading us. We read about Dwight Moody and Harriet Tubman these two weeks and learned about some of the character traits they had such as repentance, boldness, strength, compassion, joy, and perseverance. We talked about what being a missionary kid in a different country is like and also how we can pray for them. I really love how interested the boys seem to be and see the love of others building in their soft hearts. Derek and I are also learning a ton! Win. Win.


One project I'm so glad I didn't skip was this strategic mind bender. They each had 4 different colored pencils and had to color all 50 states using only the 4 colors, being careful that no two bordering states had the same colors. Everyone had a great time, and I got lunch cooked ;)


We received the always fun Book It in the mail. This is a fun day every year! I am so thankful my kids are able to participate in a fun program I did as a child. 


What?! Did he finally become the child who loves reading like I do!? I'm not sure, but we have found a few series of books that have interested him enough that I found him reading ON. HIS. OWN.!!! Now this is a HUGE step in the right direction and a great big blessing to me. He has read many Puppy Place books (a series about dog adoption) by Ellen Miles and the 2 books in the Platypus Police Squad series by  Jarrett Krosoczka and has found a series of I Survived ________ by Lauren Tarshis that he is really enjoying. I mean, like, reading them in 2 days enjoying. My heart rejoices! He has even written a letter on his own initiative to writer Lauren Tarshis thanking her for her books and requesting a book about the Chicago Fire (thanks to our study of Dwight Moody!!!!)

Vocabulary, Math and Language Arts


Spelling Test and Language Arts

United States Feast

We celebrated a successful unit of the U.S.A. by feasting on grilled turkey burgers and baked beans. Followed by an American Apple Pie, of course! 

Closing Thoughts

Once again, I finish our weeks in awe of how God is guiding our days and making all things come together like only He can. I am so thankful that for this season we are able to see our boys growing in wisdom and stature. We are praying that our hearts would be soft to His teaching and corrections and that we would continue to walk in the ways that He has called us, whatever that may be. 

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